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Meet our Great Walks Guides

     Category: Uncategorised

We’re kicking off a new series of chats with some of our Great Walks of Australia guides. You’ll meet a new guide in each edition of our newsletter. Maybe you’ll meet them on the trail one day too…


Where are you from?
I was born in Launceston, Tasmania.

What’s your background – studies? work?
Customer service, hospitality and tourism.

What led you to become a guide?
A desire to see more of the world, hike, meet awesome people and be able to roll all those things into a job.

Do you guide anywhere else?
Tasmania mainly but worked the 2017/18 summer in New Zealand for Adventure South.

What are your areas of interest/passion that you love to share with guests?
I have a passion for cooking. Being able to cook over a campfire in the middle of Australia for hungry hikers is always a pleasure. Using local ingredients and sharing information on bush foods really adds value to our guests trip.

What’s your favourite part of the Classic Larapinta Trek in Comfort experience?
Arriving to the top of Mount Sonder for sunrise. It can be challenging for some, wind and freezing temperatures do not help, but the feeling of accomplishment and seeing how happy everyone is, that’s the good stuff.

Any advice for someone coming on a guided walk for the first time?
Get ready to make fast friends! Apart from the hiking (and eating), these trips are extremely social. You will meet people from all over Australia, and the world, all with different backgrounds, stories and personalities. Also, ensure you have a reasonably high level of fitness. You will get so much more out of your holiday if you don’t have to focus on puffing up the hills.

If you could do one of the other great walks next, which one would it be and why?
I’d love to do the Seven Peaks walk. Lord Howe Island has been on my radar for a while now… the landscape looks stunning and walking through that Jurassic Park style environment would be exciting!

If Alice has inspired you – find out more about the Classic Larapinta Trek in Comfort by Australian Walking Holidays right here

In our first two editions for 2019 you’ll meet guides from The Arkaba Walk and Murray River Walk, both in South Australia.