Finding Hope & Overcoming Adversity On The Three Capes Lodge Walk
A Fraction Stronger is the inspirational first-hand account of Queenslander Mark Berridge’s survival and finding hope in the darkest of moments after a death-defying bicycle accident.
Mark’s life changed forever the day he crashed over the handle bars of his bike into a storm water drain while out cycling, seriously damaging his spinal cord and nerves, and thus his ability to move.

Faced with extensive time in hospital and rehabilitation, his new journey with limited mobility commenced, plaguing him with demons, fear and uncertainty. He had to dig deep, find hope and a way through the seemingly impossible moments.
For Mark, hiking the Three Capes Lodge Walk provided just the motivation for him to keep going. And the victory was sweet when in late 2021 he achieved his goal.
Mark says it’s not about the fall, it’s about how you choose to get up.
“Purposeful goals can hitch us out of the mire of our tough moments to see the better moments ahead. I wanted to improve my physical capability in a sustained way, but I needed a new tangible incentive. I refined my objective to a specific event – reaching Cape Pillar – as a waypoint for the broader goal. A lighthouse on my recovery journey.”
“Without lanterns – like Cape Pillar – to elevate my outlook, I would be less capable of navigating towards my short term and longer-term objectives. I would miss positive feedback on the gains I have made and their potency to reinvigorate my effort and belief.”
“Our world is amazing. Life has been and can continue to be invigorating if we push our boundaries and pursue new possibilities. We can strive to nourish ourselves with fabulous experiences, especially challenging ones like the Three Capes Walk was for me. The memories are priceless, but so is the growth we gain whilst trying to attain them.”